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Very large field angle and fast autofocus – combined with protection against dust and spray water for reliable photography in all weathers: this is the ideal full-frame lens for landscape, astro and architectural photography.
Compact, wide-angle and powerful – these are the properties that make the super wide-angle Loxia 2.8/21 so special. The optical design has been specially developed for high-resolution, full-frame sensors of the mirrorless Sony α series. A system expansion through the new ZEISS Loxia – in a focal length range that has a long tradition at ZEISS.
Powerful, wide-angle and compact – these are just some of the features of the ZEISS Loxia® 2.4/25. The Distagon® optical design has been specially developed for high-resolution, full-frame sensors from the Sony α series mirrorless cameras. This expands the ZEISS Loxia 2.4/25 in a host of ways.
Lightweight wide-angle lens, fast autofocus, close focusing distance: with a 40-millimeter fixed focal length, this lens is excellent for the applications of a standard focal length as well as for typical shooting situations with lightweight wide-angle lenses. An all purpose lens that offers outstanding imaging quality, making it ideal for close-ups.
Short close-focusing distance, high speed, fast autofocus, and a wide field angle for the full frame: the professional lens for exceptional perspectives in landscape, architecture, street photography and photojournalism.
Light, unassuming and reserved. The moderate wide angle and the creative possibilities of manual focus make the ZEISS Loxia 2/35 a perfect storyteller.
Thanks to the combination of one of the widest fields of view in APS-C format photography with fantastic imaging performance and light weight, this lens makes wide-angle photography even more fascinating.
A compact standard focal length with autofocus, especially designed and constructed for compact APS-C cameras of the Sony Alpha series with E-Mount and Fujifilm X series. A lens that makes it so easy to spontaneously capture your special moments and preserve them in perfect pictures.
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