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Infinitely wide horizons, cramped interiors or small objects in large surroundings – with the ZEISS Milvus 2.8/15, all photographers can deliberately orchestrate extreme perspectives.
It's in those situations when the horizon seems absolutely endless that ZEISS Milvus 2.8/21 is in its element. The super wide-angle lenses is ideal for photographing vast, far-stretching landscapes and breathtaking scenery.
Be it stylish interiors, majestic landscapes or tumbling waterfalls, the super wide-angle ZEISS Milvus 2.8/18 lens loves to capture dramatic vistas. Just like you.
Perfect for every occasion. With a wide 35 mm focal length, this lens opens up a world of possibilities. From making your portrait subject stand out against the background to capturing high-precision architectural detail and detailed landscape photography – the choice is yours.
Very large field angle and fast autofocus – combined with protection against dust and spray water for reliable photography in all weathers: this is the ideal full-frame lens for landscape, astro and architectural photography.
Compact, wide-angle and powerful – these are the properties that make the super wide-angle Loxia 2.8/21 so special. The optical design has been specially developed for high-resolution, full-frame sensors of the mirrorless Sony α series. A system expansion through the new ZEISS Loxia – in a focal length range that has a long tradition at ZEISS.
Powerful, wide-angle and compact – these are just some of the features of the ZEISS Loxia® 2.4/25. The Distagon® optical design has been specially developed for high-resolution, full-frame sensors from the Sony α series mirrorless cameras. This expands the ZEISS Loxia 2.4/25 in a host of ways.
Lightweight wide-angle lens, fast autofocus, close focusing distance: with a 40-millimeter fixed focal length, this lens is excellent for the applications of a standard focal length as well as for typical shooting situations with lightweight wide-angle lenses. An all purpose lens that offers outstanding imaging quality, making it ideal for close-ups.
Short close-focusing distance, high speed, fast autofocus, and a wide field angle for the full frame: the professional lens for exceptional perspectives in landscape, architecture, street photography and photojournalism.
A split second can often decide whether you take a simple snapshot or create a unique image. The ZEISS Milvus 2/35 allows you to capture every decisive moment.
Light, unassuming and reserved. The moderate wide angle and the creative possibilities of manual focus make the ZEISS Loxia 2/35 a perfect storyteller.
Thanks to the combination of one of the widest fields of view in APS-C format photography with fantastic imaging performance and light weight, this lens makes wide-angle photography even more fascinating.
A compact standard focal length with autofocus, especially designed and constructed for compact APS-C cameras of the Sony Alpha series with E-Mount and Fujifilm X series. A lens that makes it so easy to spontaneously capture your special moments and preserve them in perfect pictures.
The AT-X 116 PRO DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8 Lens for Nikon Mount by Tokina is an ultra-wide angle autofocus zoom lens with a fast constant f/2.8 maximum aperture. The AT-X 116 PRO DX-II lens is designed for digital cameras with APS-C-size CMOS or CCD sensors. Its angle of view ranges from 104-84° and it can focus as close as 11.8".
The black 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS Lens for Fujifilm X-Mount from Samyang is a wide-angle prime lens designed specifically for use with APS-C format image sensors. Providing a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm and a broad 98.9° angle of view, this lens is well-suited for architectural, interior, and landscape images. Its fast f/2.0 maximum aperture is...
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