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Based on Planar design, this apochromat incorporates one aspherical element and six elements made from anomalous partial dispersion glass in order to effectively suppress chromatic and spherical aberrations throughout the focus and aperture ranges.
The Sonnar design utilizes four anomalous partial dispersion glass elements to nearly eliminate chromatic aberrations and other distortions for clean, well-corrected imagery. A floating elements system is also used, for consistent performance throughout the focusing and aperture ranges, in order to achieve even sharpness and clarity.
The Planar design incorporates seven anomalous partial dispersion glass elements to nearly eliminate chromatic aberrations and other distortions for clean, well-corrected imagery. A floating elements system is also used, for consistent performance throughout the focusing and aperture ranges, in order to achieve even sharpness and clarity.
Whether in its role as a high-precision reproduction lens for technical applications or as a traditional, moderate tele-lens for portraits with shallow depth of field, the ZEISS Milvus 2/100M allows you to delve into both worlds.
Pinpoints of light in the background envelop the individual and conceal a mysterious message. The Planar T* 1,4/85 lens brings out the best in its subject, while masterfully manipulating both sharpness and soft focus. This classic portrait lens captures people in their surroundings, playing with a range of sharpness, soft focus and contrast effects.
Sigma looked to create a peak portrait prime with the 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens, and they delivered an optic with high performance, a large f/1.4 aperture, and a variety of technologies. Available here with a Canon EF mount, this lens offers a super-fast f/1.4 aperture that is great for getting images with an exceptionally shallow depth of field and...
Sigma looked to create a peak portrait prime with the 85mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens, and they delivered an optic with high performance, a large f/1.4 aperture, and a variety of technologies. Available here with a Nikon F mount, this lens offers a super-fast f/1.4 aperture that is great for getting images with an exceptionally shallow depth of field and...
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