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Based on Planar design, this apochromat incorporates one aspherical element and six elements made from anomalous partial dispersion glass in order to effectively suppress chromatic and spherical aberrations throughout the focus and aperture ranges.
Infinitely wide horizons, cramped interiors or small objects in large surroundings – with the ZEISS Milvus 2.8/15, all photographers can deliberately orchestrate extreme perspectives.
Capturing perfect moments with exquisite detail is what this lens is all about. No matter if you are photographing landscapes or architectural features, the outstanding edge-to-edge quality ensures impressive results.
Be it stylish interiors, majestic landscapes or tumbling waterfalls, the super wide-angle ZEISS Milvus 2.8/18 lens loves to capture dramatic vistas. Just like you.
The Sonnar design utilizes four anomalous partial dispersion glass elements to nearly eliminate chromatic aberrations and other distortions for clean, well-corrected imagery. A floating elements system is also used, for consistent performance throughout the focusing and aperture ranges, in order to achieve even sharpness and clarity.
Perfect for every occasion. With a wide 35 mm focal length, this lens opens up a world of possibilities. From making your portrait subject stand out against the background to capturing high-precision architectural detail and detailed landscape photography – the choice is yours.
Whether in its role as a high-precision reproduction lens for technical applications or as a traditional, moderate tele-lens for portraits with shallow depth of field, the ZEISS Milvus 2/100M allows you to delve into both worlds.
It's in those situations when the horizon seems absolutely endless that ZEISS Milvus 2.8/21 is in its element. The super wide-angle lenses is ideal for photographing vast, far-stretching landscapes and breathtaking scenery.
The Planar design incorporates seven anomalous partial dispersion glass elements to nearly eliminate chromatic aberrations and other distortions for clean, well-corrected imagery. A floating elements system is also used, for consistent performance throughout the focusing and aperture ranges, in order to achieve even sharpness and clarity.
A popular telephoto zoom for a variety of shooting applications, this SP 70-200mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 Lens from Tamron is characterized by its bright f/2.8 constant maximum aperture, as well as sophisticated optical and physical designs.
Enjoy a big picture of the tiny world: the ZEISS Milvus 2/50M can even transport you to the cosmos mirrored in a small drop of water. As a macro lens, it is the perfect solution for the close range. Used as a standard lens, it portrays the world in all its natural perspectives.
This focal length is the ideal tool for imaging real-life situations – whether it is the hustle and bustle of a busy road, the intimacy of a portrait or the wonders of nature. It is always in quest of those real and unadulterated perspectives. The ZEISS Milvus 1.4/50 is a versatile focal length that meets even the highest standards.
A split second can often decide whether you take a simple snapshot or create a unique image. The ZEISS Milvus 2/35 allows you to capture every decisive moment.
Characterized by apt focusing speed and image stabilization, the SP 24-70mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2 from Tamron is a revised fast standard zoom covering a versatile wide-angle to portrait-length range.
Pinpoints of light in the background envelop the individual and conceal a mysterious message. The Planar T* 1,4/85 lens brings out the best in its subject, while masterfully manipulating both sharpness and soft focus. This classic portrait lens captures people in their surroundings, playing with a range of sharpness, soft focus and contrast effects.
Facial expressions and features convey an individual’s character. A sparkle in the eye, fine wrinkles and shades of color can tell a whole life story. With its versatile standard focal length, the ZEISS Planar T* 1,4/50 knows exactly how to express character: natural, illuminated and rich in contrast.
All manufacturersAEEAtomosB + W FilterCanonCarl ZeissCase LogicCrumplerCullmannDakineDicapacDJIDomkef-stopFujiGenesisGitzoGoProHähnelHamaHedboxHoyaIlfordIrixJobyJupioKataKenkoKingstonKodakLeicaLexarLomographyLoweproManfrottoMeikeMetzNikonOlympusPatonaPeak DesignPhottixPolaroidPortPretecRicohRivacaseRØDESamsungSamyangSandiskSigmaSiruiSlikSonyTamronTiffenTokinaTranscendTriopoVelbon
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