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This focal length is the ideal tool for imaging real-life situations – whether it is the hustle and bustle of a busy road, the intimacy of a portrait or the wonders of nature. It is always in quest of those real and unadulterated perspectives. The ZEISS Milvus 1.4/50 is a versatile focal length that meets even the highest standards.
Enjoy a big picture of the tiny world: the ZEISS Milvus 2/50M can even transport you to the cosmos mirrored in a small drop of water. As a macro lens, it is the perfect solution for the close range. Used as a standard lens, it portrays the world in all its natural perspectives.
Facial expressions and features convey an individual’s character. A sparkle in the eye, fine wrinkles and shades of color can tell a whole life story. With its versatile standard focal length, the ZEISS Planar T* 1,4/50 knows exactly how to express character: natural, illuminated and rich in contrast.
All manufacturersAEEAtomosB + W FilterCanonCarl ZeissCase LogicCrumplerCullmannDakineDicapacDJIDomkef-stopFujiGenesisGitzoGoProHähnelHamaHedboxHoyaIlfordIrixJobyJupioKataKenkoKingstonKodakLeicaLexarLomographyLoweproManfrottoMeikeMetzNikonOlympusPatonaPeak DesignPhottixPolaroidPortPretecRicohRivacaseRØDESamsungSamyangSandiskSigmaSiruiSlikSonyTamronTiffenTokinaTranscendTriopoVelbon
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